Collard Greens
COLLARD GREENS 101 + RECIPE | how to cook collard greens by Clean & Delicious
- 1 family size shredded collard greens
- 2 pounds smoked pork neck bones
- 4 tablespoons rendered duck fat
- 2 tablespoons adobo
- 2 tablespoons sazonidor
- 2 tablespoons light brown sugar
- 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
Steps/How to Make
Boil neck bones for one hour then drain and let cool
Using your hands rip meat off the neck bones to about bite sized pieces
In a large sauce pot add the greens meat and all other ingredients
Add water to cover about an inch over the greens.
Bring to a boil then simmer about an hour and a half or to desired tenderness adjusting to add additional seasoning as needed
Serve as a side dish to chicken or pork