Juicy Chicken Meatballs
These chicken meatballs are tender and moist woth a delicate chicken flavor. By grinding chicken thigh meat they stay juicy. I like to use them any place a meatball is good in for a lighter flavor and tender texture.
THE SECRECT TO JUICY MEATBALLS (even frozen)! How to make Chinese beef meatballs! by Souped Up Recipes
6 servings
- 1 1/2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken thighs
- 3/4 cup fresh breadcrumbs, not dry. I used sour dough bread with the crusts removed
- 1/2 cup heavy cream
- 1 shallot, minced
- 2 garlic cloves, minced
- 1 teaspoon butter
- 1 teapoon dijon,ustard
- 1/2 teaspoon each, salt, pepper, italian seasoning and hot sauce
- 1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice
- 1/4 cup finely shredded or grated cooper cheese
- 1 large egg, lightly beaten
- 1 tablespoon each fresh chopped basil, parsley and chives
Steps / How to Make
Preheat the oven to 375. Line a baking sheet with foil. Spray foil lightly with non stick spray
In a small bowl combine bread crumbs and cream, set aside to soak
In a small skillet cook butter with shallot until tender, cool to room temperature
Cut chicken thighs into pieces
Using the steel blade of the food processor, grind chicken until it is grpund
Add cooled shallot and garlic, salt, pepper, italian seasoning,, hot sauce, mustard, lemon, bread crumbs with any excess cream. cooper cheese, fresh herbs and egg. Pulse just until blended
Roo into 1 1/2 inch balls. Place 9n prepared pan and bake about 30 minutes until just cooled through
Seve with marinara or alfreado sauce to dip in or on pasta with your favorite sauce. They are great in a sub roll with marinara and cheese or sliced in a grilled sandwich